Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Norway in a Nutshell: Flam

The second leg of our journey through Norway was a train from Oslo to Mrydal then what Rick Steve’s says is the most gorgeous train ride in Europe from Mrydal to Flam. Saldy a few days ago there was a fire in one of the tunnels between Oslo and Mrydal so we had to alter our plans a bit. We ended up taking a train from Oslo to a little town called Al then a bus from Al to Flam. The view of Norway from our trian/bus windows was incredible.
Flam is a tiny little town right on the edge of the Aurlandfjord. I had always heard about the Norwegian fjords and seen pictures but nothing could have prepared me for the beauty of them.
We ended up taking the train from Flam to Mrydal and back again and Rick Steves did not disappoint. This train ride was the most incredible ride ever. We were running around the train, switching from side to side to see the different views. The pictures are gorgeous but nothing in comparison to the real thing.

Side note: Norwegian is a language I will never grasp. After several days in the country and I still have no idea what the basic greetings are or simple phrases like thank you and you're welcome are. I have traveled to many countries, covering many different languages and usually can pick up the basics but this has not been the case in Norway.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Norway in a Nutshell:Oslo

Oh how I have missed Ricky Ricky Steves in my life, but he is back and I am happy. For those that know me, know that I have a slight obsession with Rick Steves. This also goes along with my love for travel because Rick Steve's is a European expert and writes tour books. My family and I are currently following his instructions and are doing what he calls Norway in a Nutshell. This tour takes us along the best sights in Norway, starting in Oslo.

After many issues and over 24 hours of travel we finally made it to Oslo and checked into the hotel. We dropped off our stuff and headed out to see the city of Oslo, in the rain of course. We were definitely not prepared for how cold and wet it is here.

We first saw City Hall were they present the Nobel Peace Prize. We had attempted to take a tour of the building but with our luck it was closed to the public that day. We then toured the Nobel Peace Prize Center. If anyone can explain to me why Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize please do becuase I still don't understand how he did anything that deserved that prestigous award.

We also went and saw the Norwegian Resistance Museum. When I think of the German invasion of European countries, I think of England, France and other such countries, not really of Norway. But the Germans did invade with 440,000 troops. Who knew?

Even though my this time we were all complete exhausted and jet lagged, I dragged my family to the National Gallery to see the famous Munch paintings. I have never really been a fan of expressionistic art but I just had to see the famous scream painting. It was kind of a let down after seeing copies of it. The painting is actually filled with color but it is quite dull. I did however find some landscape paintings by Johan Christian Dahl that I fell in love with. They were gorgeous.

The following day we went to museum after museum.

-Norwegain Folkmuseum

-Viking Museum

-Kon Tiki Museum

-Fram Museum

I'm too short to ever be a captain. I'm on my tippy toes!

- and the Maritime Museum

Someone put soap into the fountain...SO AWESOME!!!!

BHAHAHAHAH yeah, Raye Ann likes to jump into my landscape pictures

European cars are the best

Royal Palace

One of the oldest ski jumps in the world

After all those we were sick of museums so we headed to Froger Park. This is a park full of naked statues and only naked statues. The Europeans sure do love nakedness!

Why yes this is a giant statue of naked people.

I have had very limited access to the computer. Apparently Raye Ann's homework is more important than giving me time to write an entertaining blog post. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Annual RCC patient party

After months of planning, yesterday was the annual Reproductive Care Center patient party. Since moving home I have spent every day all day preparing for this one day, needless to say it has been A LOT of work. For the past 5 years I have worked at my dad's infertility clinic RCC. Considering my major (Commercial Management, a.k.a Event Planning) I finally got to help with the planning and preparing of the event. This has made me seriously reconsider my major.......... but anyway, the party went great overall.This year the party was held at This Is The Place Heritage Park and thankfully it was a beautiful day. 

The patient party is one of my favorite days of the year. It is an amazing experience to be able to see hundreds of kids that my not be here without the help of my dad and all the employees at RCC. There were about 600 kids at the party!!!  It was very touching to see several grateful mothers come talk to the doctors while crying because they were so grateful that they helped them have a child. 

It was a great day but I'm definitely glad it's over. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

hot. Hot. HOT. Houston.

This past week I went to Houston and it was sweltering HOT!! I have lived in the south and on the east coast where there are hot and humid summers but Texas was just miserable, and it was only the first week of June! I should never move there because I would just be cranky and bothered the whole time. Besides the heat, it was a great few days with my brother's family.

Some of the highlights of the trip:
- Eating lunch with my nephew at his elementary school for his last day of 2nd grade
- shopping, especially at Lush (love that store and really wish Utah had one)
- Benjamin's swim practices and swim meet
- Houston Temple
- Benjamin's baptism
- playing dress up with cute Kylie

My least favorite moments would be the chinese buffet (gag me) and being forced to watch The Tourist...twice!

The main reason we went down to Texas was to be there for my nephew Benjamin's baptism. I was so proud to see him make the decision to be baptized and officially join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I must admit that it was weird to see him get baptized in yellow-greenish water......... the church leaders blamed it on minerals......... still weird and kind of gross looking.

Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Now that looks like a perfect dive to me :)

 After sitting in the heat for four hours none of us were feeling that great, especially not Kylie.

 Doesn't my makeup just look BEAUTIFUL?