Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in Atlanta

For Thanksgiving break my parents, Raye Ann and I all headed to my Grandma's house in Atlanta, Georgia. 
Since we moved to Utah a few years back, we don't get to visit my Grandma as often as we used to.
It had been a few years since I'd seen my Grandma and my mom's side of the family so I was really excited to see everyone.

Thanksgiving Day was spent at my aunt and uncle's house where I ate far too much yummy food!

My niece Jenna and I

Somehow I ended up at the kids table?

My Grandma with all her great-grandkids.

My grandma with her grandkids that were there


Isn't she just the cutest?
 Black Friday was obviously spent shopping for hours...and hours!
Sadly there were no pictures taken of our goodies but there's pictures of lunch at Zaxby's.

Friday night we left the kids with the men and us girls headed to see Breaking Dawn. 
The theater was interesting. It was called Movie Tavern. 
There was a full menu to order from and they deliver the food to your theater.
In front of you is a table...strange....
Just Peeta in the background. Probably the best part of the movie.

On Saturday, my dad took us all to the Fernbank Natural History Museum. It may sound lame to go to some museum, but this place is awesome. 
I remember when I went there as a little kid.
 It was a lot of fun to take me nieces and nephews there. 
We ran around looking at all the stuff and playing with everything. 
I was exhausted by the time we left that place. 

Of course we had to stop by Folks Southern Kitchen Restaurant while in Atlanta. 
Gotta love some southern cooking, including fried pickles and hush puppies.

Thanksgiving break was a wonderful few days filled with family, shopping and lots of yummy food.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I have recently become obsessed with imdb. 
I can't watch a movie without looking up one of the actors to see what other movies they have been in.
I am absolutely horrible at remembering what movies an actor has been in 
but I always recognize them and know they are in a movie I've seen. 
imdb has become a handy little tool for me. 
While spending a bit of time on imdb I came across this little beauty..... :) 

For those who have seen North & South will recognize him as Mr. Thornton. 
Turns out he is also in Captain America,
which is now at the top of my list of movies to see!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Late night adventures

Midnight premieres are the best! 
The people that attend midnight premieres are awesome and I love seeing all the people that dress up.
Everyone is pumped up on caffeine the whole night which makes the evening all the more hilarious. 
The excitement in the air when the movie begins makes the late night worth it as well. 
I love the yells and cheers when the Summit logo appears on screen and I love screaming right along with all the other girls in the theater. (and the few boyfriends that got dragged along)

I had very low expectations for this movie but was pleasantly surprised,
granted there were some bizarre scenes I wasn't a fan of. 
The acting was still slightly horrible but I enjoyed the movie nonetheless. 
I will no doubt be going again.

I think my favorite part of the evening was hearing a middle aged women in the bathroom after the movie saying
"Edward can ruin my pillows and bruise my body anyday."

At Jordan Commons they have the costumes that Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper wore to the wedding!

Yes, I own a Twilight shirt! I can sense you all judging me.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Patience is a virtue

Tonight I was getting ready to write yet another post about Christmas. Mainly because my roommates and I pulled out the decorations and watched The Holiday tonight. (absolutely adore that movie...and Jude Law)

Though I am extremely excited for this Christmas season, I would hate to over look Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year and a season for gratitude. I think the thing I might be most thankful for this year is that I don't have to spend it in a hospital hooked up to monitors like last year.
I will be spending this Thanksgiving surrounded by family at my Grandma's house in Atlanta. This is something to be truly grateful for.

I would also be most grateful if all these projects, papers and exams I have that are all due before Thanksgiving Break would just write themselves though.

Wishing Thanksgiving was here already because I'm just too impatient for all the holidays this year!!!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Christmas Music

Now that Halloween is out of the way
I feel that it is socially acceptable to listen to Christmas music 24/7
This week I purchased two incredible CDs and have listened to them non stop

The only problem is 
I can't decide which is better
I just love them both