Sunday, April 29, 2012

St. Geezy

Last week a few friends and I headed for a short vacation to St George. 
We hiked, 
watched movies, 
and just had fun. 

Natural Water Slide

Bear Paw Diner

Just sitting at an antique Coca-Cola table drinking some cold coke

Though I was only gone a few days and it was only St. George, 
it was the perfect little getaway before having to start my summer job.

Monday, April 2, 2012

You are the weakest link

If you know me, you know I'm not an outdoorsy person. 
But this weekend I went on a camping trip with a class to Goblin Valley. 

Thursday night we played capture the flag in the valley
Friday we hiked Ding and Dang Canyon. 

I'm not much of a hiker so I definitely struggled over the many obstacles and was the slowest one of the group.... and I may have cried......but I had a lot of fun!

 I'm just proud of myself for surviving.  :)

Goblin Valley