Tuesday, August 21, 2012


On Sunday I had my farewell.
I spoke in church about Temples and then everyone headed to my house for yummy food.
It was so wonderful to be surrounded by so many friends and family that traveled from near and far to be there. 
Sadly I didn't take any pictures but these are the few I have that friends sent to me. 

College Friends
(Cami, Kaylie, Ally, Me, Sophia, Melanie and Wil)

High School Friends
(Myrinda, Karli, Me, Rachel and Amanda)

Well this is goodbye...for now.
I leave tomorrow to serve the Lord for 18 months in Louisiana Baton Rouge. 
For updates on the mission and my address you can follow my new blog all about my mission.
You can find that blog HERE!

I wish you all the best of luck in life over the next 18 months!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blauer Family Reunion

In celebration of my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary my family had a reunion up at Jackson Lake this past week. The first few days were spent with my siblings and their families and the last few days were spent with my whole extended family, all 60 of us! It was an CRAZY week filled with lots of adventures.

We went camping at Colter Bay. and by camping I mean my family stayed in cabins..... That is my idea of roughing it :)

Here is some of the highlights from our trip and reunion!

Fisher Bridge

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone


Riding through Yellowstone is pretty freaking awesome

Old Faithful

Scenic Boat ride around Jackson Lake

Family Pictures

My extended family

My siblings, parents and I

The Grand Tetons are BEAUTIFUL

My Grandpa and I

Hidden Falls by Jenny Lake

White water rafting

Fishing on Jackson Lake

We ended up catching 20 fish which we later ate for dinner. Yum.

Horseback Riding

Out of 25 people we have 8 Ks and 7 Js. We lined up all the Ks and took this lovely picture. We have far too many Js and Ks in my family.

It was such a fun week and an awesome time spent with my family right before I leave on my mission!