Sunday, May 22, 2011

Families can be together forever....

 This past weekend was a joyous one. Starting on Thursday we had family flying and driving in from around the country to be here for my sister and brother-in-laws sealing.
 Since my brother's families live in North Carolina and Texas, we don't all get together very often. Until last summer we hadn't all been together in six years but now all my siblings have been together for the second time in a year. When all six of us kids get together you know it's going to be eventful and full of "heated discussions." Even though we are all very different and don't get along all the time, just like most siblings, I sure do love them all!

On Saturday after a week of rain, it was finally sunny and beautiful outside as we headed to the Salt Lake Temple. My sister Jamie and her husband Spencer were sealed and two of their kids, Keegan and Savannah were sealed to them for time and all eternity.

Since Raye Ann and I are the youngest we got stuck with babysitting duty while everyone else headed inside for the sealing. Thankfully we didn't lose any kids but kept them somewhat entertained with skittles. (always a good idea to bring treats when dealing with kids)

When the Hutchinson family came out of the temple it was picture time, which is always an adventure with little kids around. Of the hundreds of pictures, these are some of my favorites. 

The happy family

All my siblings plus Spencer and kids


So stinking cute! Pretty sure he stole the show

He's ready to go back in
My siblings and my parents at the luncheon (From left to right: Jenn, Jay, Raye Ann, Dad, Me, Mom, Jamie and Joe)
It was a beautiful and wonderful occasion. Having all the family in town was a lot of fun, even though some were unable to come. After the sealing, pictures and luncheon we headed back to the house for the first pool party of the year. 

I'm so happy for Jamie and Spencer. Congratulations!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hopeless Romantic

This evening I went down to Provo to hang out with some friends. After being ditched for a boyfriend I got in my car to head home. The first song on the radio was Boyfriend by Big Time Rush. Ya, I was so not in the mood for that one. I do not need the radio telling me I need a boyfriend and no BTR I do not want you to be my boyfriend(s). Thanks anyway.

The second song to come on was this song.  It's called I can't Wait by Runner Runner. Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I immediately fell in love with this song because it is so stinking cute. One day I hope to find a boy that feels this way about me :) 

I could continue on and write some mushy, emotional stuff but I'll spare you all since none of you would want to read it anyway. I really just wanted to share the song with everyone. Hope you enjoyed it:) 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

You know your heels are too high when.....

Today I attended my brother-in-laws graduation from the University of Phoenix. The very last girl to walk fell not once, not twice but THREE times!!! Now that is just ridiculous. That is when your heels are just too high. I definitely felt bad for the girl but it sure was hilarious to watch. 

Girls, if you can't walk in heels don't wear five inch heels when you have to walk across a stage in front of a large crowd. Most likely you will fall and look like a fool.

Friday, May 6, 2011

In a moment.

A few weeks ago my parents got me a new car! 6 days later I wrecked said car, which was not the smartest thing I've ever done. Just a little word of advice, if you get a new car it's best not to wreck it within the first week.

Late one night I was driving back to Provo, it was rainy and dark as I drove through a construction zone. And this happened.....

Thankfully I only got a little banged up and was all better within a few days...... my car on the other hand took a bit longer to get fixed and was quite expensive. Just under $10,000 worth of damage to my car alone.  Thanks insurance company :)

Today, after 2 1/2 weeks I finally got my car back and I'm so happy to finally have it back.

The car looks beautiful and you can't even tell it got in a wreck except for the license plate.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Beginnings

Welcome to my new blog!

I figured it was time to move on with my life and create a new and improved blog. If you followed my last blog My Life in London, you know that I spent last semester in London and it changed my life. I can't promise that I won't mention London from time to time but I'll try to focus on other things as well :)

This blog will be filled with my opinions, life events, travels and anything that tickles my fancy. I'm loving my life and as OneRepublic sings, "this could really be the good life."
