Friday, May 6, 2011

In a moment.

A few weeks ago my parents got me a new car! 6 days later I wrecked said car, which was not the smartest thing I've ever done. Just a little word of advice, if you get a new car it's best not to wreck it within the first week.

Late one night I was driving back to Provo, it was rainy and dark as I drove through a construction zone. And this happened.....

Thankfully I only got a little banged up and was all better within a few days...... my car on the other hand took a bit longer to get fixed and was quite expensive. Just under $10,000 worth of damage to my car alone.  Thanks insurance company :)

Today, after 2 1/2 weeks I finally got my car back and I'm so happy to finally have it back.

The car looks beautiful and you can't even tell it got in a wreck except for the license plate.

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