Monday, January 9, 2012

Carl Bloch

This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Copenhagen. Around the time I was helping plan the trip, BYU's Museum of Art had an exhibit of Carl Bloch paintings. While visiting the exhibit, I learned that there were a bunch of Carl Bloch originals in Denmark. I was ecstatic to go to the Frederiksborg Castle and see 23 original Carl Bloch paintings in the place they were designed for. We planned an entire day to travel outside of Copenhagen to tour the castle and see the paintings.

When the time finally came to visit the castle, I was so excited and had researched exactly where in the castle the paintings should be. I had seen the pictures of the room they were housed in and knew it was by the chapel. To our surprise, we walked right through the room with out realizing that was the room with the Carl Bloch paintings. We had to back track through the castle to get back to the room once we realized we had passed right through it.

The room was surprisingly small and dark. The paintings were tiny and easily glanced over. To me and my family these paintings were beautiful and meaningful yet so many people just walked right through this room without taking a second glance. (we did the first time)

Carl Bloch is such a significant artist to the Mormon culture yet most people in the world couldn't care less about his paintings.Each painting is a beautiful depiction of a part of Christ's life. It is sad to think that these paintings are so often overlooked and passed over. His paintings are incredible and I wished he received more recognition for his incredible paintings.

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