Monday, January 30, 2012

I love my major

Sometimes I forget how awesome my major is. 
Technically my major is: 
Recreation Management and Youth Leadership, Leisure Services Emphasis, Commercial Track. 
Yeah, I know it's a mouth full. 
What it all means is that I want to be an Event Planner when I grow up. 

Since my major is in the RMYL department there are some required classes that I never expected to take.
For example RMYL 223R: Outdoor Skills Leadership.
In this class we learn about leadership and modules but we also go on awesome (free) field trips
including cross country skiing, scuba diving, ropes course and a camping trip.

This past week I went Cross Country Skiing for the first time ever.
Since moving to Utah I have taken up Skiing and snowboarding but never this.
It was quite the experience. 
I was surprised by how hard it was at first since it is like a cross between hiking and downhill skiing. 
Overall is was a great night and I only fell twice!

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